At Suffolks, we know how important it is that our children become digitally responsible in a world where technology is ever-changing. Throughout the school year, we teach a structured sequence of lessons which ensure all skills in the National Curriculum are met at the end of KS1 and KS2. During the first few weeks of each academic year, we ensure all children are taught the importance of online safety and digital citizenship.
By the time children leave us in Year 6, we want to ensure that they can apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, be analytical and problem solve. We want to enable children to become responsible, competent, confident and creative users of Information Technology.
At Suffolks, each class has a Google Classroom page which is used for home learning opportunities and collaborative work in the classroom.
Children are taught the importance of Internet safety and alongside their parents, sign an Internet safety agreement at the beginning of each year. Throughout the year, we provide up-to-date CPD for our teachers to ensure that they are up-to-speed with the latest apps and games children are using so that they can spot any potential risks and dangers associated with these. We provide Internet safety workshops for our community and send tips in our monthly magazines.